Member-only story
Out Of Control
Spiraling, spinning, the cycle in overdrive, and the feeling of being out of control.
What do you do?
It can be difficult to regain your power and remain level headed when your emotional state has begun to lead the way. If you know that you could be volatile during an emotional state, make sure to take precaution, a moment of emotional instability can lead to a lifetime of regret. If you could potentially harm yourself or others, consider the best options for yourself, do the work prior to the trigger.
Always have a safe plan.
When faced with extreme hardship our minds can be difficult to control, prepare yourself (in advance) with a safe plan.
Your safe plan should include, people, places, and the 5 senses.
People, who can you trust to help you process through your crisis?
Places, where can you go that you will be safe, in a healthy environment, and provided for?
5 senses, as a human being it’s important to feel alive, connecting with your human faculties (sight, smell, touch, taste, hear) can help draw you back into the physical reality.
Think on the plan, write it down if necessary, and try and remember that life has very difficult moments, giving yourself the care and time needed to process and heal is most important.
Are you safe right now? If you are not safe right now reach out. Email or call one of the many resources.
*Disclaimer — This blog is not intended to be a replacement for medical or mental health treatment.