Give the apology, Give the grace, Be understanding.

Heather Lynn-Safefornow
2 min readJan 27, 2022

As a mom of adult children, I’ve found that over and over again I have processed through the times when I messed up, made mistakes, chose things that may or may not have been right, or good. In the end you see these lovely humans working out their lives, knowing that you played a role in who they are, why they do what they do and sometimes potentially the cause of choices they make that could be wrong or not good. The cycle goes on and on, yet all in all. This is life.

Learning to apologize (to anyone you influenced) to simply say, I may not have gotten it right, forgive me for any wrong I may have done. I will always want the best for you. May your life be good even through any bad that you may have experienced because of me. I’m sorry.

Learning grace, grace is unmerited kindness, we live in a world were we get what we pay for. To be given kindness when you don’t deserve it, is perfect love. Practice grace for yourself and others.

To come to understand that humans are what we are. We learn through experience, and it’s not always perfect. It can be messy, painful and time consuming. To understand that this is how it is, allowing one another time to process and change.

We all appreciate love, we each are living, making mistakes and learning. We all will need forgiveness, grace and time to learn from our failures.

Give the apology, give the grace, be understanding.



Heather Lynn-Safefornow

“The role of a writer is not to say what we can all say, but what we are unable to say” Anais Nin